The City Staff has worked to refine and expedite our process for welcoming new businesses into our community. Below is all in information and links you will need to become a member of our business community.
Please take a look at the zoning ordinance for allowable areas to located your business. New business owners should consult with city staff on signage for commercial space.
To open and operate a business in the City of Lathrup Village, a license is required. To apply for a Business License, Lathrup Village requires the following:
Please take a look at the zoning ordinance for allowable areas to located your business. New business owners should consult with city staff on signage for commercial space.
To open and operate a business in the City of Lathrup Village, a license is required. To apply for a Business License, Lathrup Village requires the following:
- Completed application
- $55 non-refundable application fee
- A copy of the business owner's driver's license or state ID card
- Copies of any other relevant licensing related to the business and issued by the state of Michigan.
Applications are reviewed by the Community & Economic Development Department for zoning compliance. If no zoning conflicts are found an inspection of the business site is scheduled. If the business site passes inspection, a business license will be issued. Property owners who lease space are also required to obtain a Commercial Landlord License and have their properties inspected. City Council recently updated the fee schedule for rentals. These rates go into effect on July 1, 2021.
For additional information on starting your new business venture, the Downtown Development Authority has set up a specific Starting a Business webpage for entrepreneurs and a complete reference guide to locating your business in the DDA district.
Opening A Business in a Commercial District
In order to open a business in the City of Lathrup Village, the following steps must be followed:
- Complete a Business License Application and submit to the City
- The application is reviewed by the Building Inspector for zoning compliance
- If no zoning conflicts are found an inspection of the business site is scheduled
- If the business site passes inspection, a business license will be issued from the City
- New Business owners consult with City Staff on signage for commercial space. Use this sign permit application.
Business License Renewals
Business Licenses must be renewed yearly. Businesses will be notified by mail about renewing their business license. The renewal fee is $25 and the deadline is March 31 of every year. Late renewals will be penalized with a late fee of $70. Commercial landlord licenses are renewed annually in December.
Opening A Home-Based Business
As outlined in Section 4.11 of the Zoning Code, in order to operate a home-based business in Lathrup Village the following items will be required:
- A registration fee of $10.00
- A Home-Based Business Registration Application
There is no inspection required prior to registering a home-based business. All Business licenses are renewed yearly from January 1 until March 31 without penalty. Businesses who fail to renew within that time will be charged a penalty in addition to the regular renewal fee.